Louis Liu 劉樂凡
- 學歷:
- George Washington University ‘19
- 現職:
- Advertising & Content Integration
- 工作經歷:
- MLS internship
- NFLPA internship
- NBA sales & services
- Sports & Advertising Agency
- 專長:
- Partnership & alliances
- Management
- Content integration & Marketing
- Sports management
- Fan engagement
Youth sports development
- 未來展望:
- Continue to grow in the sports industry
Continue to give back to communities
- Continue to grow in the sports industry
- 講師slogan:
- Run Through The Tape
Louis於2019年畢業於George Washington University, 就學期間在華盛頓的MLS, NFL球隊實習, 也協助國際奧委會在2018年平昌奧運會的場地事宜. 畢業後於華盛頓巫師隊就職Sales & Services團隊. 目前長居上海, 擔任廣告公司亞太區經理.
除了日間全職工作外, Louis是一名青少年籃球教練. 在波特蘭, 西雅圖, 華盛頓, 上海皆有教練經驗.